Sunday, August 4, 2013



Frosty morning = Sunny Day.

Ketogenic Euphoria posted


It does have a lot of photos so may be slow to download.

Yesterday went well although I've done no exercise for two days. I am knitting and got a bit carried away trying to finish a sleeve

My weight dropped another 200 gm to give me a total of 2.4 kg/5.3 lbs in 5 days. I said that most of that was readjusting after a gain the previous week. This morning I am well into ketosis with a blood ketone reading of 3.2 This is the highest ever.

I have read a bit about Atkins Induction. I am going to continue with my own plan which is an increase of carbs to less than 20 gm per day and an increase in calories to 1250. I will maintain a ratio of 6% carbs: 29% protein: 65% fats. That means I can eat around 18 gm carb and 90 gm each of protein and fat. This is only for two days then I will cycle back onto another 5 day fat fast and see what happens.

I am looking forward to eating a few more veggies.

Yesterday I had Keto Coffee for breakfast,
Yoghurt, mixed with whipped cream, a couple of boysenberries and laced it with with CLO for lunch
Omelet, made with cream and herbs with lettuce and cherry tomato, with a slice of cheddar cheese for dinner.
Chocolate Whip made a decadent evening snack. Chocolate whip is no more than cream whipped with the addition of unsweetened cocoa and a few drops of stevia. Tastes better than soft serve icecream Smile

This menu looks like an overload of cream but it worked and that's all that matters right now. I can adjust these menus to be better balanced next time.

The days ratio worked out well 4:8.1:87.9 within 1000 calories.

I feel so good it's tempting to continue without cycling but I know that holds some pretty big health risks as there is not enough nutrition eating this way.

Now to really finish the sleeve I'm knitting. I had hoped to finish the whole thing by the end of July but that's not going to happen.


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