Tuesday, November 3, 2020


 I miss being at the beach. 

It's good to be home.

I feel quite frustrated as I have some kind of stomach upset which has set me back quite a lot. My weight loss is still going on but it's all the other things I want to do. I started feeling a bit off nearly a week ago but took no notice. The travelling days aggravated it until by Saturday I felt unwell and wanted to stay in bed and close to the toilet. I'm not sure what went wrong but I've had stomach cramps and general abdominal pain along with aches and pains everywhere. 

 Jane and I left home just before mid-day on Thursday and had lunch at Turua. I ate most of a chicken and salad sandwich. We stopped to visit my sister and spent a couple of hours with her. I only drank water. I was pretty tired when we booked into the Holiday Inn in Rotorua. We didn't want to pay $50 each for the Buffet Dinner so went to Eat Street to look for a restaurant. The Thursday Street Market was a surprise. We finally settled on meat skewers, the salad was somewhat coarse and too bitter for me. We followed up with some very tastey and perfectly cooked and served French style apple pancakes. I had another night of broken sleep because it was too warm and sticky for me. 

The Motel breakfast was delicious and so well laid out and included in our room-rate special. I had yummy prunes with yoghurt, and a couple of small croissants with water.... NO coffee so obviously not quite myself. Jane and I did some shopping and I didn't feel all that great. I bought a book and wrapping paper so we could wrap up a gift for Ava. It's expected when I arrive home. The book is popular. There's Hole In My Bucket including a CD by the Top Twins. 

We went to Capers for lunch. I had a cappuccino and less than half my salad. I had the remainder boxed for Jane. There was plenty of time to visit Greg before heading to the airport at 3.30. I was a bit concerned about Greg because he wasn't feeling the best and was due to go into hospital for tests on Monday. I wish I'd let our prayer group know because he was too ill to get to hospital so Jane has made sure he is rescheduled.

Ava was very disappointed when I said I didn't feel well enough to go out. I managed to pull myself together to get dressed for the Light Party with Ava and Amanda on Saturday night. I spent Sunday mostly in bed although I began to feel hungry later in the day but NO suitable food handy so ate a few rice crackers with cheese. For various reasons I everyone was out so I couldn't ask for help. What I really wanted was a little cooked apple and yoghurt neither of which I had.

I am gradually feeling better but still frustrated. It's been all I could manage to get myself something to eat and drink to try and get my gut back into health. My lovely tidy, clean home is a shambles. Stuff is falling out of my case all over the floor because I've had no energy to pick anything up and bending hurts like hang. My bench is a mess. My efforts at feeding myself have left me limp. Tidying and cleaning up hasn't happened yet. I see so many things I want to do and no energy to do anything yet. In fact it seems as though rather than improving my surroundings all I do is make things worse. by dropping or breaking or adding to the mess. The jug I make my keto coffee in is cracked beyond use because I filled it with boiling water. I know whatever I've got is temporary but if I'm honest I'm angry that I feel unable to cope because I'm unwell. 

My house and my plants need attention and will feel better when I've had a shower.

The best things is we have rain. I'm watching out for my Muscle Fuel order.

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